You don’t need to shell out top dollar to spend the day at a waterpark this year. Instead, you can turn your backyard into an aquatic playground for the day. First, check out seven simple yet thrilling water activities you can set up in your backyard. Then you’ll be ready to let the games begin.
1. Turn Storage Tubs into Personal Pools
You can fill storage tubs with water to provide individual pools for your kiddos. Then each child can splash around in his or her little pool, creating hours of fun. And while setting up a pool is normally a lot of work, this project only takes a few minutes.
2. Add a Sprinkler to a Slip ‘n Slide
If your kids love playing on the slip n’ slide, you can add to the fun by adding a sprinkler to the mix. Set it up next to the slip n’ slide, so your kids will get soaked when sliding down it.
3. Create an Aquatic Obstacle Course
Your kids are sure to have a blast navigating an aquatic obstacle course. First, come up with different stations of water activities. For example, you can set up a station with full buckets of water. Then the kids will grab the bucket of water and walk it to an empty bucket, where they’ll transfer it while doing their best to avoid spilling a drop. Then you can have stations with water balloon tosses and other aquatic activities.
4. Play Drip, Drip, Drop
If your kids love the game Duck, Duck, Goose, it’s time to introduce them to Drip, Drip, Drop. It’s nearly identical to Duck, Duck, Goose. However, the kids won’t use their hands to tap kids on the top of their heads when moving around the circle. Instead, they’ll soak a sponge with water to drip on their heads.
5. Play Water Balloon Baseball
Your kids can even tackle some water sports this spring. You just need to grab a bat, fill up some water balloons, and let one of the kiddos take the mound. Now, you might want to step back a bit if you don’t want to get splashed every time someone hits a home run.
6. Dodge the Water
If your kiddos enjoy some competition, pull out the sprinkler or a hose and give them umbrellas. Then have them run through the water, doing their best to stay dry. Finally, line the kiddos up at the end to see who managed to stay the driest.
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7. Have a Water Balloon Fight
If you want to keep it simple, you can fill up water balloons and let the kids have a water fight. You don’t even have to set any rules for the game. The water balloons are fun enough on their own.
These aquatic activities are sure to keep your little ones busy this spring and summer. In fact, they’re such a blast that you might find yourself outside in the middle of the action.
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