Be Organized This Autumn

Donating Decluttering And Cleaning Up Wardrobe

The official first day of fall is September 22, so you still have plenty of time to get your home ready for the autumn season. No matter if you’re preparing for snow or mild autumn temperatures, these helpful tips by Real Simple can get you organized in no time. When you start a new season with less stress and clutter, you can enjoy a happier, calmer fall. You can be prepared for whatever the season throws your way with a little bit of organization. Following the beginning of fall, you have three major holidays before the new year starts, so getting organized can help you prepare for those bustling holiday months.

Tips For Getting Organized This Autumn

  • Simplify Your School Morning Routine – Fall means the start of school, so consider simplifying your morning routine. Consider prepping for the next day the night before and laying out your children’s school clothes so you can speed up the getting ready process. If you prefer to make lunches in the morning, set up an assembly line of lunchboxes with lunch bags and ready-to-go snack packs ready to be placed in the boxes in the morning.
  • Put Out-of-Season Items in Storage – Grab your storage bins and move your out-of-season items into storage. Consider labeling your storage bins so they can be easily located the following season. This is also the time to switch out your out-of-season clothes for fall clothes.
  • Get Rid of Things You Didn’t Wear – Take the time to go through each piece of clothing so you can decide if they should be kept or if they should be donated. Clearing out unworn clothes means fewer clothes to deal with and empties your closet, giving you more space for your fall clothes.
  • Focus on Space-Saving Solutions – With unused or out-of-season items cleared out, you can tend to the much larger spaces. Consider taking advantage of vertical spaces, especially if you live in a smaller home or apartment. You can also use beautiful hooks to hold bulkier coats, so the hanging clothes aren’t an eyesore.
  • Get Ahead of the Holidays – Start planning for the holiday months so you can get ahead of all the hustle and bustle of each holiday. Consider clearing out broken decorations so there’s less to worry about, and you can focus on more pressing matters.

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Get Organized Today

With these organizational tips, you can kick off the new season with a calmer mindset. This includes clearing out summer clothes to prepare for your fall apparel, switching out your summer decorations for fall decorations, and winterizing your home for the cold months. A good idea is to take each task one step at a time. Consider breaking down each task so you don’t feel overwhelmed, or try tackling one task one day at a time. Simple tasks like wiping down cabinets or straightening pillows can make a significant difference.

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