Camping is a lot of fun, especially during the cool, crisp season of autumn, while you enjoy the great outdoors, roasting marshmallows on a roaring fire, and gazing up at a blanket of stars. A camping trip, however, is truly as good as the gear you bring as it can make or break your overall camping experience. You do not have to go so far as having “glamping” gear, but you want to be adequately prepared. One of the biggest assets you have when you go camping is your vehicle, so you want to make sure that your vehicle is properly equipped. Not sure what you need for your vehicle? Car and Driver notes what camping essentials you should have for your vehicle.
Window Screens
Quite often, people who go camping will end up sleeping in their vehicle, even if they bring a tent. Whether it is because of weather or safety, you may find yourself walking from your tent back into your car. If you sleep in your vehicle on a camping trip, you may want to consider getting window screens like the EcoNour Car Window Screens. The screens allow air to filter into your car while guarding against insects flying into the cabin.
A Generator
You may enjoy roughing it outdoors, but you may take for granted how much electricity plays into your daily life. It’s important to keep your phone charged in case of emergency. Some people need a fan or a CPAP machine to sleep at night. Cooking over a fire may not be as easy as you imagined and you need a backup plan. When you need access to power on your camping trip, it is good to have a generator in your car, and the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 is an excellent one to have on hand.
While you may sleep in a tent or your Jeep, SUV, or truck at night, you sometimes need a shelter during the daytime. People like to create a comfortable space wherever they are. This is where the Roadhouse Tarp can come in handy on your camping trip. The tarp can be outfitted to most SUVs and Jeeps as well as some vans. Use it to shelter you and your loved ones from the sun or rain.
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Air Mattress
Of course, you want a good night sleep when you are camping inside your vehicle. For a quality night’s rest, you should opt to purchase the Onirii Inflatable Car Air Mattress. This budget-friendly air mattress is easy to assemble into the back of your vehicle when you lay down the back row. Enjoy a good night’s rest as well as the perfect day camping when you have all the right camping gear for your vehicle.
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