You’ve always wanted to try your hand (or feet) at rock climbing, but you don’t know the first thing about it, and you don’t want to get hurt. Plus, you don’t want to buy a bunch of equipment only to find out you don’t like the sport. Give it a try without committing to purchasing equipment at the Goshen Pass Rock Climbing event on Sept. 29 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration is $55 and includes transportation from the Public Works Service Center, equipment, and leadership.
This event is hosted by the Roanoke Parks and Recreation Department. An American Mountain Guides Association Single Pitch Instructor will be with you every step of the way, ensuring that you learn how to enjoy the sport safely. By the time you’re done, you’ll have a serious taste for rock climbing.
That taste will do your mind and body good. Check out these benefits of rock climbing and then get ready to tackle your first rock.
The Perfect Workout
You know that you need to include both cardio and strength training in your workouts if you’re going to get the best results. Unfortunately, most people focus on one or the other. It’s just too hard to make time to do both. That might normally be true, but when you take part in rock climbing, you get your cardio and strength training in at the same time. That means you’ll increase your stamina, get stronger, and get your heart beating at the same time. Talk about a great workout.
Say Goodbye to Stress
Life sure can get stressful. Between work and family commitments, it can seem like you’re being pulled in a million different directions. Stress isn’t just annoying. It’s bad for your health. Here’s some good news for you. When you rock climb, your body will produce chemicals that will give you a natural high. That natural high will help you eliminate stress. You’ll feel better than ever by the time you make it to the bottom.
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Get Smarter
You probably spend a lot of your day on autopilot. You take the same route to work, do the same tasks when you get there, and then interact with your family in the same way in the evenings. When your brain is on autopilot, you don’t learn anything new. Give your brain a boost with rock climbing. You have to find ways to navigate routes, which will put your problem-solving skills to the test. You will also have to make calculations and learn to adapt while rock climbing. That is really good for your brain.
You’re ready to tackle that rock. First, though, you need some wheels to get to the meetup location. Berglund Group in Roanoke, Virginia, is the perfect spot for picking up a new car, truck, or SUV. Get your wheels and then head to the climb. You’re going to have a blast during your adventure.
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