Halloween is coming right up, and it’s almost time to decorate a pumpkin for some festive flare. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out these fun jack-o’-lantern ideas.
A Roaring Lion
After you carve a big, toothy mouth and animal eyes into your lion pumpkin, you can assemble the mane from a bouquet of faux chrysanthemums or other fall-colored flowers. Alternate yellow and orange for contour and contrast. To make the ears and snout, pick out some smaller decorative gourds to cut them in half. Turn the halves up top with the inside facing outward for ears, then form the snout by placing the remaining halves with the exteriors outward above the mouth. If you happen to have some sack cloth, straw, and foil handy, you can also make scarecrow and tinman buddies to go along with the lion.
Lollipop Top
If you want to distribute some lollipops, you don’t have to simply leave them out in a bowl. After you’ve carved out your jack-o’-lantern, drill a series of tiny, pop-handle sized holes around the top where its hair would be. Then fill each hole with the stem of a lollipop for a festive and edible hair-do.
Stacked Witch
To assembler your own witchy friend, you’ll need to plan ahead and pick out several pumpkins of similar size and shape. When you have several pumpkins on-hand, you can stack them and wrap the lower gourds in black fabric. Use another portion of that material to fashion a pointy witch’s hat, then paint a fiendish face into the pumpkin that will go on top.
While her looks might not turn anyone to stone, this Medusa jack-o’-lantern is sure to turn heads with her outlandish hair style. You’ll need a handful of rubber snakes to make her legendary locks, and you can pant the pumpkin a monstrous pallor or set costume jewelry in the eyes to complete the effect.
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