6 Tips to Help You “Spring Forward” With Ease

well rested woman waking up

Do you find yourself struggling during Daylight Saving Time each year? Springing time forward an hour can be hard on your body, but you can take steps to prepare. Check out six tips that will help you manage the change when daylight savings time goes into effect at 2 a.m. on March 13.

1.      Ease into the Change

First, let your body ease into Daylight Saving Time. Start going to bed 15 minutes earlier so your body will get used to the change. Then spring your clock forward a full day ahead of time. By changing the time on Saturday instead of Sunday, you’ll give yourself another day to adjust before going back to your normal work schedule.

2.      Maintain a Sleep Schedule

Sticking to a regular sleep schedule can also help your body adjust to the change. First, stick to a regular bedtime, apart from going to bed 15 minutes earlier leading up to Daylight Saving Time. Also, make sure you wake up at the same time each morning. That includes the weekends when many people try to catch up on extra sleep. If you stick to your schedule, you won’t have to catch up on the weekends, and you’ll feel more rested each day of the week.

3.      Make Use of the Sunlight

The days will be longer when Daylight Saving Time begins, meaning you’ll have access to additional hours of sunlight. Since sunlight can help you regulate your body’s circadian rhythm, get as much sunshine as you can. You can spend more time outdoors, or even open up the windows so the sun can pour into your house.

4.      Avoid Caffeine at Night

While a cup of coffee in the morning can provide a much-needed boost, it can keep you up if you drink it too late in the evening. Do your best to limit the amount of caffeine you drink in the afternoons and evenings, so it’ll be easier to drift off at night.

5.      Watch Out for Indigestion

Eating too close to bedtime can give you indigestion, especially if you indulge in spicy foods. Thus, eat dinner early enough for your food to digest before going to sleep.

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6.      Turn Off Screens Before Bed

Do you find yourself looking at your phone and tablet when you’re in bed? The light from the screen can stimulate your brain and prevent your body from producing enough melatonin, making it hard to sleep. As a general rule, shut off your screens at least two hours before your bedtime.

Keep these tips in mind as Daylight Saving Time gets closer. Then you won’t have to undergo as much adjustment after the time change. Instead, you’ll be ready to get a great night’s sleep, even though the time has changed.

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