The Only Holiday Shopping List You’ll Ever Need

Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner

If you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner at your home, there’s a lot you need to think about. This is true whether you’re having a big dinner or just cooking for your immediate family. Therefore, you might find yourself feeling stressed when you have to go to the store and pick out what you’ll need for the day. But don’t worry. With just a little bit of planning ahead of time, you can make sure you have everything you need for the most successful Thanksgiving possible. Check out this list of things you should find before the day finally arrives.


Unless you’re a vegetarian, this is going to be the most crucial part of your meal. Make sure you have a turkey that will feed all the people you have coming to your house. You’ll also need to ensure that you buy it ahead of time so you can quickly thaw it in time.

Meat Thermometer

Remember, you must ensure you cook your turkey all the way through before you serve it to guests. However, you won’t be able to tell if it’s thoroughly cooked unless you have a meat thermometer. Invest in one this year if you are planning on making a turkey.

Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes

If you’re like a lot of people, you eat more carbs than usual during the holidays. That’s part of what makes Thanksgiving dinner so indulgent. Therefore, you’re probably going to have a lot of dishes that involve potatoes of one kind or another on the table. We recommend picking up potatoes and sweet potatoes ahead of time, so you’ll have what you need when it’s time to start cooking.

Fresh Herbs

There are so many uses for fresh herbs that it never hurts to have some lying around the house. You can put herbs in just about any dish on the table. Therefore, make sure you have some parsley, rosemary, sage, basil, and whatever else you like to cook with. It’s sure to come in handy.

Baking Sheets

You don’t want to have to cook everything on the stove. Make sure you have enough baking sheets so you can put things in the oven. These are versatile, and you can use them for pretty much whatever you decide to roast or bake.

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Don’t forget the ingredients for dessert. Decide what you want to make, and get everything you’ll need to throw together something sweet and delicious.

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